by Tim Girvin | Artists, Cool People, Designers, Retail, Storytelling | Nov 16, 2008
This is the second in a series on Human Brand | defining the inextricable link between people, founding vision and the brands that they produce. “As a fashion designer, I was always aware that I was not an artist, because I was creating something that was made...
by Tim Girvin | Places, Retail | Nov 14, 2008
The Launching of the Pearl | Lincoln Square | Bellevue Square Some reference, to meaning: pearl 1258, from Old French perle (13c.), Medieval Latin perla (1244), of unknown origin. Who knows the origin of the word, but there are theories, that reach back in tim to...
by Tim Girvin | Cool People, General, Interior Design, Places, Retail, Storytelling | Nov 10, 2008
Designing The Pearl | Lincoln Square | Bellevue, WA Working with an extremely tight and confined team — I, along with others at Girvin | Seattle, as well as architect Dawn Clark, AIA LEED AP, and Robert Norwood, interior designer, began an extraordinary...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Cool People, Designers, Retail | Sep 22, 2008
Exploring the story, the man, the brand, Ralph Lauren I’ve met Ralph Lauren, but hardly to any degree that he’d recall. But I did have a connection with him, decades ago. Brief. And unforgettable, for me. Likely completely unknown to him. Why? I’d...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Retail, Storytelling | Sep 19, 2008
Tom Barbitta is a friend of mine. A friend, as a client — a friend as an fellow explorer of story. A brand explorer. He believes in the power of story as a link to building relationships with people. Brand, in story, is solely about that — linking people...
by Tim Girvin | Retail | Jul 20, 2008
Exploring store design — a collaboration between designer Raf Simons and artist Germaine Kruip — and a contrary study in contrast: De Vera. At the corners of Howard & Crosby: NYC. The hyper minimalist white space and laboratorium that has entered the...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, General, Interior Design, Places, Retail, Storytelling, Trends | May 11, 2008
Sometime back, after some midtown meetings, I’d been making my way back to the NYC Girvin office. And I came across this treatment for Chipotle, a McDonald’s concept investment. But the point is hardly about the opening collaboration in ownership (founded...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, General, Retail, Storytelling, Trends | Apr 24, 2008
Last Wednesday I attended the Seattle chapter of the Executive Women’s International forum at the Columbia Tower (with a spectacular view from the 75th floor). The guest speaker was Ted Simmons, advertising guru and previous CEO of Arnold...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, General, Interior Design, Places, Retail, Scent, Storytelling | Apr 9, 2008
On the 20th, last month, I’d connected with a friend, Tim Lauren, to explore the Store One | Starbucks, Pike Place Market. We’d met, examining, talking about brand management and experience planning. Tim comes from the space of experience design...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Concepts, Cool People, Designers, General, Luxury, Retail, Trends | Apr 7, 2008
Exploring the principles of art, craft, making and the philosophical vision: Brooklyn Museum: What about Takashi Murakami? “the difference inherent in Japanese and Western artistic practices, and the...