by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Places | Oct 16, 2019
THERE IS A PLACE: YOU’RE IN THE PLACE. HOW DO YOU DESIGN A PATHWAY FOR FINDING? What is the way, found? We were thinking about this. In the context of the work that you do. And what we do. We’ve wondered about that, the character of being lost, being found. Finding...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Places, Storytelling | Feb 27, 2019
DESIGNING PLACES: EXPLORING THE DEEP METAPHORS, SYMBOLS AND ARCHETYPES IN PLACES MADE RETHINKING EXPERIENCE STRATEGY In the journey of designing guest enchantment pathways, customer experience procession, there is one path to consider—step by step, what is the...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Cool People, Interior Design, Marketing 2.0, Places, Retail | Sep 19, 2018
SYNAESTHETIC EXPERIENTIALITY AND DESIGN LEADERSHIP As a journeyer of decades of design, all over the world, and in partnering with many adepts in that journey, it’s interesting to study different models of design leadership. There are collaborators and team-builders,...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Motion Pictures, Places, Storytelling | Apr 19, 2018
EXPLORING INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND ENTERTAINMENT — HOW IS A STORY DESIGNED? Do you even know about this show? — [Image above from Netflix] You’re probably too young to even recall it, but when I was younger, “Danger, Danger, Will Robinson,” was one of my favorites lines....
by Tim Girvin | Places, Storytelling | Jan 17, 2018
Signs are symbols of storytelling, of legend and legacy, of badges that reach out as cards of narrative fortune. There are clues in the cultural rendition of the larger messages of enterprise in the form of signs — and as placards, they offer a storytelling of color,...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Places | Nov 1, 2017
THINK COSMIC: ARCHITECTURE AS A PLACE-MAKING MAP OF THE UNIVERSE: THE CIRCLE OF HEAVEN AND THE SQUARE OF EARTH – DESIGNING PLACES OF DEEPER SYMBOLISM. It’s true that every place has a symbolic value — every place has a sensation of personalized relevance,...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Places, Trends | Jun 21, 2017
THE JOURNEY OF LOSS, FINDING, FORGETFULNESS AND THE EYE OF SURVEILLANCE. My Mother taught me about watchfulness and listening. Of studying situations, examining human movements, physical linguistics, moments and interactions, ticks and tells, notes and reveals — as an...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Places | Apr 19, 2017
BRANDISH — THE WAVE AND FLOURISH OF BRAND The OED: “brandish” — Brand as fire. Notes on the Place of being. Considering meaning and etymology, reflections on distinction and memory of meaningful experience. I had a conversation with a friend of mine, Dawn A. Clark....
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Marketing 2.0, Places, Retail | Nov 11, 2016
Closed All the Time? The Dead Shopfront Never Open, Shuttered Brands. I was trying to connect with — what I thought was an open resource — a brand, an enterprise, a place, a team of people. Nope. What if you were closed all the time? [Image: a door, Chicago, IL]. I...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Places, Scent | Nov 4, 2016
A TOUCHING BOOK, CONTEMPLATING 360º IN BRAND AND EXPERIENCE A VISUAL MEDITATION EXPLORING THE JOURNEY; A LEGACY OF THE SENSATE. The human stance of holism. Every journey is a storytelling of sensuality — how you sense and experience the grand sphere of your...