
Are you a Lone Ranger?

In the Journey, who is your companion? Who is your guardian, your guide, your icon, your shepherding guide? Me? Raven and crow, telling. We’ve noted in an earlier blog study, that we’ve been involved in the Lone Ranger, as designers, in the past —...

Digging In, the Soul of Story, Brand:

Visualizing the layering of identity: Iron Man I was moving through, collecting and organizing some earlier Girvin studies for Paramount Studios, and hanging out in the theatre, looking at titling treatments, graphic identities for films and one sheet theatrical...

How do you see information as a story?

Visualizing and organizing the perception of information Cinematic interface design as a reference to example Image above: © Cruise/Wagner + Amblin Entertainment It might be said that the rise of infographics — visualizing, simplifying and organizing content...

MySpace Interface

The Interspace: the new MySpace UI Wide Open — Inner Space — Interface It’s interesting to study the migrations of MySpace, in the challenges of their past failing and flailing attempts to maintain a respectable share of the social online...

Working with Tony Scott

The Genius of Invention, the Infection of Enthusiasm Weeks later, I’ve been thinking. I was shocked to read about Tony Scott’s passage, in the manner of his so-called choosing — and more critically, not knowing the truth in, about, any of it. Who...

WAKA | TokyoCrows

The heart and soul of Crows, People, Cityscape and Poetry: Tokyo Waka | A film KRISTINE SAMUELSON + JOHN HAPTAS image from Waka The Kaw-Call of the Crow | Tokyo. Who couldn’t forget this call? Tokyo CROWCALL: Wakaaaa! The character of Waka might relate more to...