by Tim Girvin | Artists, Designers, Motion Pictures, Trends | Sep 15, 2016
AI Design Strategies: Can AI work as Creative in the Movie Business? With the plethora of new AI development stories, how far can these applications stretch? IBM’s Watson thinks it can step in. I was studying some content on Adweek, about a new modeling for search and...
by Tim Girvin | Cool People, Motion Pictures | Jul 13, 2016
The Design of the Doc Savage Logo In GIRVIN’s history as designers for theatrical marketing and advertising, we’ve got legacy, a heritage of literally hundreds of motion pictures — starting with kickoff logo studies for Francis Ford Coppola’s “Apocalypse...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Motion Pictures, Storytelling | May 31, 2016
Working from Scratch: Customized Type Face Design, Font Development and Motion Picture Design The presumption is — design by hand and the work is better. Is that right? In the study of aligning idea to shining, brand to epiphany, inspiration to magic — there is the...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Cool People, Motion Pictures | May 17, 2016
Designing Alphabets, Messaging and Meaning. The alphabetic coding of “The Matrix.” The metaphors of threading content, digital rain, flow and the loom of meaning in context I was talking to a team of students from my college days, reteaching, again some of the...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Cool People, Motion Pictures, Storytelling | Jan 20, 2015
The Waft and Weft of Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar.” There is a story, then a story within the story, a story behind the story, and the story that you hold in your mind, wrists, fingertips. They weave. Or lips, in the love story that never ends, it keeps going on,...
by Tim Girvin | Motion Pictures | Oct 31, 2014
Designing Identities for Scary Storytelling | Gruesome Design for Films I was talking to a young aficionado of typography and the lettering arts, as well as a connoisseur of scary movies, and we talked about logos for horror movies. And, to quote, “why is that...
by Tim Girvin | Cool People, Motion Pictures | May 15, 2014
Cinematic innovations Launched at Seattle’s Cinerama Reaching back, we worked for Doug Trumbull on Brainstorm. Like any theatrical advertising effort, you’ve got to know the story, and the tenets of its production design and technical strategy, to create...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, Motion Pictures | Apr 10, 2014
Designing the Alphabet of the Film, “The Matrix.” The metaphors of threading, rain, flow and the loom of meaning in context Working with Warner Brothers, Joel Silver and the Wachowski siblings on “The Matrix” was a highlight in a string of...
by Tim Girvin | Motion Pictures, Places, Storytelling | Mar 18, 2014
STUDYING THE CREATION OF PLACE IN FILM-MAKING AND COSMICAL INFLUENCES OF ARCHITECTURAL STORYTELLING. When I was in college, I was transfixed by architecture that sought to tell a higher story. Working with the majestic cross-thinking of Professor Lloyd Reynolds, I...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Motion Pictures | Oct 31, 2013
Design studies for “The Thing.” This isn’t my work [it was pointed out by friend Stuart Balcomb and the poster above was designed by Jock] — but worthy of mention and exploration. It’s interesting, as a perpetual student of design [and...