by Tim Girvin | Designers, Motion Pictures, Storytelling | Sep 22, 2007
What did influence me? Practice for one, looking for another. I look, I find. I research, I uncover. I dig, I excavate. When I was in college, I did this one section, this one grouping of studies of the history of the letterform. What is that, anyway? Palaeography....
by Tim Girvin | General, Motion Pictures, Storytelling | Aug 1, 2007
Beowulf What calls, from ancient halls, the spirit of that other distant world, far more than a thousand and five hundred years back in the balled skein of time? Beowulf! Palaeography, or the history of the written world has long been a strategic underpinning of what...
by Tim Girvin | Cool People, Marketing 2.0, Motion Pictures | Jul 11, 2007
The Transformers trailer virus, Paramount sown… Favorite
by Tim Girvin | General, Motion Pictures | Jul 8, 2007
Probably the wrong wave, I’d imagine. But that’s the point of the story to be told. And let’s tell that story. I’d propose that the notion of banning a film because of some ongoing promulgation by Tom Cruise, about his personal...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Motion Pictures | Feb 24, 2007
There’s another symbolic value to the O and the 1 beyond the nature of the digital translation of content and interpretation. O, the curved enclosure — is, in sequence etymologically — from Sanskrit — the sunya; Arabic, sifr; Medieval Latin,...