What, the logos, speak?

Brand identity, integration, story and truth. I’ve spoken about the reach to true brands. What are they, what resonation have they with audiences and who cares about the story that they promulgate? I’m looking for true brands; and, in my own work,...

Twittering brands of freedom

Twitterstory as the last line of defense, offensively. Twitter is a storytelling tool. Every person tells a micro-story in the 140 characters of text that are tied to the messaging output from many tiers of devices. To the brand, the personal brand, the legacy of the...

Bing bada boom

Thoughts on bing, the new search engine for Microsoft Just days ago, the kick off. According to the overview from Microsoft, “the idea behind ‘Manifesto’ is to elicit an emotional response about a concept that is decidedly not emotional.” And...