
The Signature of a Man

Designing the Hand-made Letter Craft of a Human Brand What the person is, show shall his signature tell his story. The signature is a graphical amalgam of emotion, traits and experiences that craft the character of the hand, the gesticulation of time, the musculature...

Brand sage

Seeking the Wisdom of The Sage, the Leader of the Brand In any journey, you’ll go further if you go to the heart, the center, the fire of the leadership chamber — it is about the path to knowledge. When you work on, or inside, a brand, when you take a...

Meditations on Manners

When I was in Bhutan, high in the misted Himalayan mountains, I’d spied a remote monastery and spoke to my guide, Tsewang Nidup about “getting up there.” We did get up there, like nearly every other lonely vista we aspired to summit —...

Meetings With Remarkable Men

Richard Meier and Massimo Vignelli [above] video | Nowness When I was working in NYC, decades back, I’d linked to Richard Meier on the subject of typography and signing. The selected font of study, designed by another classical alphabet scholar and typographic...

Working with Steve Jobs

The design strategy of simplification A friend, Stuart Balcomb, a musician and composer in Venice, California, reminded me of something, to design — and Steve Jobs. I worked as a consultant to Apple, at the behest of Steve Jobs in the late 70s, early 80s. I met...