My house, held. And the work in it.

Thinking about the iconography of place, what’s made in it. What are the talismans of your place? A person stopped by my condominium, asking to borrow a can opener. Peering into my place, she said — “are you moving?” As I looked back, there...


I was thinking about the right ideas, that come from the tumble of those that try, but fail. Those that stumble, and find. These that jumble and arrive at the new. There is tumble, stumble, jumble — and topple. They’re interrelated. Long back, working with...


On the game — of A. And the listening to the Z’s. A friend, well meaning, referenced the idea of the A game — A gamers, with other A gamers, win out on aligned results; they sync up — sparks fly, cool stuff happens. Wowness emerges. Maybe. I...


ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOLISM, METAPHOR AND CENTERING Walking a old, forested Buddhist compound outside of Tokyo, I was told that the temple site was a specially sacred site — and one that was anciently “magical.” The idea of spirit spaces, places that...


Everything changes; everything is on fire. Nothing is the same as it was; everything is the same as it shall be. In the mist of experience, it’s all changing — still standards flow, and patterning emerges. While everything is in flux, everything goes as it...


Energy, focus, attention, connection — what is the energy that’s set, on the context of driving forward; uncovering the new? That is personal. That’s brand. That is human; that’s enterprise. “energy is eternal delight” — it is...

You Smell Marvelous

What is the nature of the perfected marvel, in scent? Really — you smell marvelous? I got a note from Barneys New York. It was really about Byredo — I’d made some notes about them earlier. Y O U   S M E L L   M A R V E L ? Ben Gorham’s drawn up...