by Tim Girvin | Concepts, General, Motion Pictures | Apr 24, 2009
Studying the music, the mind, the meaning — cinematic brand strategy and design. The mind of the soloist, the split mind in the brilliance of the schizophrenic — how is the passion of melody, of harmony, newly sensed and seen? Last night, I was talking...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Cool People, General, Storytelling | Apr 21, 2009
The Letter, the Script, the Legacy: a Cool type & the Human Brand Some months back, working in various parts of the planet, I partnered with Margaret Swart, Scott Dadich, and the team at Wired to create typographic design solutions for the May issue. Or...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, General, Trends | Apr 19, 2009
Twelve brands that will die: the beauty in transmigration, dissolution and carnage. There’s a metaphor that where there is smoke, there will be fire — and finally, in the fire, the smoke clears, and who will be there; what will be left? Fire is a kind of...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, General, Marketing 2.0, Trends | Apr 13, 2009
The concept of cult, culture and brand | spirit integrated. “I have a dream to devote major portions of my busy life to poor community.” Ratan Tata I’ve spoken about the concept of the cult of the brand, and the tribes that follow it. And others have...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, General, Places | Apr 13, 2009
Imagining a new identity for an building icon. The World Trade Center There are layers in play in the experience of the procession of how people connect with buildings. Buildings do, for the most part, one thing. They hold people. Interestingly enough, it’s not...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Cool People, General, Trends | Apr 12, 2009
The idea of place, community and the acculturation of coolness. What about that, the idea of opening with a chart that’s about the crashing of the tech stocks? Well, in a way, that’s a two fold gesture, one’s here, to our friends at Tableau and their...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, Cool People, General, Motion Pictures | Apr 7, 2009
J.J. Abrams and a return to the authentic identity of Star Trek Eventually, we all go back. In looking to the heart of the work, we turn again to that upon which our heart first opened. And for me, the exploration of my practice, the efforts of examining the nature of...
by Tim Girvin | Cool People, General | Apr 6, 2009
Designing experiences and retail strategy | enlightening presence in the power of feminine visionaries. Right now, Girvin, the firm, is comprised mostly of women. And over time, I’ve found that women, as team partners, are superlative creative resources. And,...
by Tim Girvin | Concepts, General, Marketing 2.0, Storytelling | Apr 4, 2009
When presumptions of documentary hold, truth be told? All the world’s a stage, so inferred — As you like it. And, to that, we are all mere actors, exiting, staging, right, left? And finally, off the stage? Advertising, by its very positioning, is,...
by Tim Girvin | General | Mar 30, 2009
The string, in storyline and experience: Jack Larsen, Pat & Dale Keller and Khuan Chew Interesting, the networks. And how, in connecting, the listening, the community — it reaches out and reaches in. One meeting, means another, if you’re paying...