
Robert Polet | CEO | Gucci

I’ve been walking around the edge of this luxury brand, and its leadership — CEO | Robert Polet for the last several years. I’d reached here to Gucci headquarters in Paris and London, exploring the dimensions of the brand. I worked with the...

Cindy Gallop

I found this word, and thought of you, Cindy. Nice spending some time with you, exploring your ideas and home, there on 23rd, NYC, looking out to the sunny side of the street, from a dramatically darkening interior. A silky lingerie interior that, in its inherent...


I went to this screening the other night, and it was the (hi)story of a young man, and later, accomplished sound designer, who grew up in the Bronx. Or maybe Brooklyn. Queens? Anyway, his childhood was, in some words, a kind of incessant trial by fire. It was like...

Heatherwick Models of Flow…NYC

SLICE CURL PEEL MELT. Thought you might enjoy this, the detailing of Thomas Heatherwick’s work on Longchamp, Soho, Manhattan. Maybe you’ve seen it, already. I was down town working, Soho, took a break, and went there: shot. Frankly, I’m actually not sure that the...

Interview Notes / Tom Kundig

How do you know Tom? I’ve known Tom since childhood, in Spokane, our families sort of connected earlier in our lives – and still have a kind of connection together, over there. Why do you think he suggested I speak to you? Being a designer, I suppose that...


Good morning. Here’s a procession: For the last 15 years, or more, I’ve been watching the evolution of this artist, designer and sculptor, Anish Kapoor. He was, however, born one year after me, so he’s been around. You probably know about him. Maybe not. But working...