
The Measurement of Flow

HOW FLOW WORKS Earlier, I corresponded with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the scholar and author of “Flow.” His studies of the concept of flow and the optimal experience are legendarily groundbreaking. I found the idea of the perfected state, the flow state, to be...

Home Plate

What is home? The Pathway To Where You Were and Where You Might Need To Be I was talking to some athletes — baseball players, about their concept of home. Home Runs, Home plate. What is that, getting home? The metaphor of home, home runs, getting home, hitting a homer...


Qualia: Yves Klein International Blue, Beauty and States of Being. Examining Sensation[alism,] Perception, Beauty and the Story of The Brand — human, color and otherwise Le Saut dans le Vide (Leap into the Void); Photomontage by Harry Shunk of a performance by Yves...

How Strong Is Your Brand?

Resilience, strength, responsiveness Brands, given their human provenance, have human character in their attitude. A brand doesn’t simply move along of its own accord, it’s not a robotic unit, it’s fired and fueled by humans on both sides of the equation. People...

Dream Deep

Brands, Dreams, Visions and Imagining It takes a special kind of person to run a brand. There will be fire found. In the near four decades of working experience, one comes to know what will work, and what will not, in the management of brand. One can have all the...

Simple Design

Can you do that style? Earlier in my career [1976,] as a advertising studio illustrator, comp[rehensive] packaging artist, headline drafter [for rough ad layouts] and an occasional calligrapher, I got that line, as a request. “Can you do that style?” “Sure I can.” It...