
Tom Cruise

http://www.newyorksocialdiary.com/social-diary/2007/saluting-tom-cruise I’m not sure how I’d connected with your Diary — but somehow I got linked in, some years back. Your little piece on Tom Cruise was happily familiar — and while...

Luxury Branding and Patterning

Perhaps you know the classic rendition of “A Pattern Language”? The premise of this fine theoretical explication by Christopher Alexander is that there are a series of movements, patterns, that relate to how space, volume and presence can be reflected in...

Luly Yang

Over time, if you can imagine it, I’ve known women that pursued the Nellie Cashman award kind of like a sweepstakes, sort of like a takeover strategy. “How can I acquire that?”. Really, not kidding. But what I’d offer is the sincerest form of...

to applaud Al Gore, Nobel Peace Laureate

“Thank you, bless you — Al Gore; what greater giving, what better gift to the planet, than your new dawning of insights, intelligence and calm authority in advising the world — finally — to what future there might be…and what future we...

Marc Jacobs

————————- NOTES ON: Marc Jacobs The key to influence is the street. Marc’s work is based on his ascent — and that’s telling. It tells the tales of his visioning, drawn from experience starting from the...

John Larson NBC Kiva Story

Hi and good morning. Starting off, after the absence of Labor…day. Welcome back! —- Here’s a story about a story. The thing that I believe in, personally, is that it’s sometimes hard to imagine that small things really matter — but they...