
Beautiful Garbage

There’s a story about beautiful garbage, based on the idea of one person’s — a team — visioning of a litter free place. That being — an alley. In Seattle, the founder team came up with the notion of “dumpster free” alleys, by...

You’re so cool.

Design, brand foundations and Silicon Valley: opening the channels to brand origination. “I know that there’s a story here, but how will people get it? What is the story, what’s cool about it — and why would anyone care?” I was thinking...


IN THE SHADOW OF THE WIND, SCENT EVOKED, PERFUME DESIGNED ON THE BREEZE OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE BOOK, The Shadow of the Wind, written by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, there is a story, wrapped a story, hidden in a story — a book, among many books, hidden in a mythical...