
Heatherwick Studios

The rippling of Genius A friend writes from London — a visit to the Victoria & Albert show on the design ingenuity of Thomas Heatherwick. It’s not the first time that we’ve observed his shining light. Earlier, working in NYC, we’d noted his...

Paper, ink, the book — the printed package

The sensuality of the book I was working in a remote, private room, the so-called rare book library at Girvin | Seattle. It’s a small space, and in this book room, the volumes start at about a yard from the floor, then rise up to somewhere around 10 feet. People...

MySpace Interface

The Interspace: the new MySpace UI Wide Open — Inner Space — Interface It’s interesting to study the migrations of MySpace, in the challenges of their past failing and flailing attempts to maintain a respectable share of the social online...

Working with Tony Scott

The Genius of Invention, the Infection of Enthusiasm Weeks later, I’ve been thinking. I was shocked to read about Tony Scott’s passage, in the manner of his so-called choosing — and more critically, not knowing the truth in, about, any of it. Who...

WAKA | TokyoCrows

The heart and soul of Crows, People, Cityscape and Poetry: Tokyo Waka | A film KRISTINE SAMUELSON + JOHN HAPTAS image from Waka The Kaw-Call of the Crow | Tokyo. Who couldn’t forget this call? Tokyo CROWCALL: Wakaaaa! The character of Waka might relate more to...