by Tim Girvin | Brands, General, Motion Pictures | Dec 12, 2007
As a developer of campaign theming, in direct marketing development, ranging from department stores to retail products, theatrical marketing to entertainment design, the soul of the direct marketing story can lie in the very heart of the conceptual visualization...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, General | Dec 11, 2007
The issue of branding is more about gathering differentiation; it’s a way of telling a distinctive story that positions the company in a way that is discrete from the competitive fray. And it just might be that — a story. What do you really remember about...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Cool People, General | Dec 10, 2007
Or, how I’ve loved the Western Film — as a story concept — since I was a child. A couple of weeks back, I went to see No Country for Old Men in NYC. A.O. Scott reviewed it: Josh Brolin as Llewelyn Moss But whether...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, General, Marketing 2.0 | Dec 1, 2007
J. Emilio Flores for the NYTimes (Paramore, the brand, the band) The concept of 360º brand strategy isn’t so unique; in fact, the concept of considering the brand as a warming touch that reaches out in every consumer-linked direction is relatively common...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, Luxury, Scent | Nov 15, 2007
I had the chance to connect with Aerin Lauder, the 40th floor, the GM building, 5th Avenue and Central Park South — for a tour of her grandmother’s offices as the presentation forum — gallery, rather — for her personal collection of objects for...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Cool People, General, Luxury, Places, Retail | Nov 14, 2007
Consider this — three remarkable women, each dramatically challenged by trying health related experiences, each finding new truths in combining allopathic and naturopathic cures by exploring new models in healing — and creating a business around them. And...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, Luxury | Oct 18, 2007
The point, to the discussion, our talk, our sharing — is really simple. Is luxury, really, luxury? Or merely smoke? Where’s the legacy, the story, the craft, the making, the beauty, the powered intensity of focus?? Or are we merely selling the skins of the...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, General, Luxury | Oct 14, 2007
Perhaps you know the classic rendition of “A Pattern Language”? The premise of this fine theoretical explication by Christopher Alexander is that there are a series of movements, patterns, that relate to how space, volume and presence can be reflected in...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Places, Storytelling | Sep 9, 2007
When you look, you find. In working on a brand development project in eastern Washington, I was walking their vineyard to get, literally, the lay of the land. And, I’m looking for what lies beneath, what lies inside the brand story. And in any brand development,...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, Designers, General, Luxury, Storytelling | Jun 23, 2007
Tom Ford | The hand speaks Tom Ford sees, feels and creates what’s right for him. I went back to Tom Ford, on Madison Avenue. This time, to meet with Shirin Von Wulffen; I’d worked with her at Yves Saint Laurent. Now she’s the publicist for Tom Ford...