Water rations: boxes are better?

Boxed and cartoned water, newly watered solutions? What freight, now? When I was working in Paris, I came in contact, as a consultant, with an intriguing group: Suez. Interestingly enough, this group was founded on the building of the Suez Canal — this 19th...

New brand, new city, new place

The concept of the personal brand, in place – what makes a city’s identity? Spending time traveling, as I have now, for the last three weeks straight, I’m now coming to the positioning of questioning my own identity, in the whirring of place. Where...

Canyon Ranch | Studied

I had a meeting, Sunday night, with Agnelo Fernandes from Canyon Ranch. Nice person. Nice encounter. And good potentials, I believe, to continue that track. Will explore, for more. Here are a sampling of reduced (number of) images, from that tour and shoot. Very...


Thinking about how things are seen, scene… scene, this — ? the seen, the seeing, the scene? right? Visualizing Twitter as Barack Obama Became the 44th President tableau, go. I was studying this modeling, and collided with, again, Tableau. When I go back,...