by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Concepts, Storytelling | Aug 17, 2009
Exploring the origin, development and renewed applications of the word. Brand storytelling, animated in humanized beauty — mind, thought, hand, expression. Calligraphy is beauty and writing, combined. And it’s long been seen as a kind of remote and obscure...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Marketing 2.0, Retail | Aug 11, 2009
Exploring the mapping of personality and brand in cultural change | Amazon+Zappos and the Endless(.com)…potential. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a point of view — and his strategies, intriguingly, focus on one compelling degree of index. Community attention....
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts | Aug 4, 2009
What is the brand of place? I’ve thought, long and hard, about the idea of brand in place. Moreso, the concept of the contained generosity, in sharing, and the nature of the host, the hostess, in creating a place of content — made; that is: if...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Marketing 2.0 | Jul 17, 2009
Twitterstory as the last line of defense, offensively. Twitter is a storytelling tool. Every person tells a micro-story in the 140 characters of text that are tied to the messaging output from many tiers of devices. To the brand, the personal brand, the legacy of the...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, General | Jul 13, 2009
Human brands | the spirit of brand development in the context of cause related marketing There is something to the travails of the human condition in communicating the benefits of solutions that many organizations attempt to express, in terms of the uplift that they...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, General, Retail | Jul 11, 2009
Exploring the idea of brand, storytelling, personality in the casement of simple typographic messaging Sometime back, we drew a font that we used for a series of soccer posters. We called it Girvenza — for Diadora. It looked like this: Simple. Italian. When it...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, Places | Jul 10, 2009
Barney Taxel for The New York Times The place of the personal, the family and human branding in building place(s): The Marons | Cleveland During the course of Girvin’s work, over the range of the last several decades, the family connection — in examining,...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, General, Storytelling | Jul 8, 2009
Rock my world, make me different, knock me out, make me beautiful — take me someplace else. Creating strategic campaign positioning signatures: premise, promise, expectations and outcomes. There is a presumption that everything is greener, someplace other than...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Cool People, General | Jul 5, 2009
Exploring Quincy Jones, a vision of newly branding and defining the storytelling of music, culture, trend and coolness: Vibe Magazine Quincy Jones, who just happens to be from Seattle, one of the places that I live and love in, created about a decade and a half back,...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, General, Trends | Jun 21, 2009
Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times Warmth, affection, connection, community: physical social networks and emerging branding trends. It’s been suggested that the phenomenon of teenagers hugging has something to do with Michelle Obama. She hugs everyone....