by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Brands, Concepts | Sep 15, 2022
IN THE RING—THE STANCE, THE FOCUS, THE BALANCE AND THE SPEED. I tend to think about everything as a metaphorical expression—there’s a poem, everywhere; there’s a story behind everything; there is something which lies beneath—and it’s worth looking in, listening,...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Brands, Concepts, Storytelling | Aug 25, 2022
VISUALIZING INFORMATION AS A STORY In a recent grouping of discussions, with a late 19th century-influenced designer, innovator and color theorist, we talked strategy and the tiering of information—in her brand-building around the presumptions of color gravity: the...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Brands, Places | Jul 13, 2022
THE ORDER OF PATHWAYS AND THE TOUCH OF THE MEMORABLE M A K E A M A Z E M E N T. As brand designers—as with any part of human creativity, “a making” or the construction of a visible object, the made art or the scribed breath of a poem—the point would be to answer this...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, Motion Pictures | Jun 22, 2022
THE STRIKE OF THE TWIN LIGHTNING BOLTS THE EVIDENCE OF LEGACY | TOM CRUISE AND TOP GUN Titling Design Trailer In my history as a designer of theatrical branding, I’d already been on the run for about 10 years [since Apocalypse Now] of working on motion picture and...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Brands, Concepts, Human brands | Jun 16, 2022
Brand naming As many know, there is a profession of nomenclature strategy—people who “name” things. It’s an intriguing meditation, given ancient character of the concept of the name, which as the tradition of antiquity proffers, speaks literally to the true nature of...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Places | Jun 10, 2022
M A K E Y O U R W A Y S BRAND SPACE—THE STRATEGY OF MAKING—STORYTELLING, PLACE-MAKING, THE PERSONAL JOURNEY OF THE WORK—WHAT YOU MAKE AND THE WAY YOU MAKE IT. Isn’t it so that our journey—as creatives, designers, wordsmiths, strategists—is a stride towards finding?...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Brands, Storytelling | May 26, 2022
WORKSHOPPING LOVE AND PASSION I was talking to a colleague about “love,” the notion of letter-writing and love-worthy thoughts expressed in a hand-notated missive, one human to another. To that, we were talking about stamps—particularly this love stamp I’d designed...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Marketing 2.0 | May 18, 2022
IS EVERYTHING SLOWER NOW? In the purported aftermath of the Covidularity—[right, invented,] it’s been a persistent experience for me for things to be slowing down. Items of the trade that we’re in, strategy, design and production—paper, for example—hard to find, some...
by Tim Girvin | Brands | May 5, 2022
SIMPLIFYING THE CONCATENATION OF BEING. Sometimes, simply being is—just by itself, complicated; it’s trying to be good to oneself, respectful of others, following a plan and a pathway, and doing good. Sometimes, it feels like it’s all a little bit much—then again, in...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Brands, Cool People, Interior Design, Scent | Mar 10, 2022
Designing for perfume—the detailing of scent-related *experientiality: D I P T Y P Q U E. When I see things, invariably I smell them. When I touch things, I hear them. It’s a trait of curiosity—it’s one thing to see things, it’s another to touch them, still another to...