by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Storytelling | Nov 15, 2009
Notes on the choreography of experience: brandstories, the art of dance, life and business entwined. A long and complex titling, that is; but it’s the title for an exploration on the alignment between dance and fire, and movement, and life, and love, and...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Marketing 2.0, Retail, Trends | Nov 8, 2009
Photo A indulgent luxury that is flourishing even in recessionary challenges. It’s what we walk on. It’s what we walk with. Or what we’ve got on our feet. And for some of us, the concept of the shoe is just “down there”, something to...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, General, Storytelling | Nov 7, 2009
Strategies of brand patterning, collaborative design and Girvin evolutions Design is about the embrace of change. And any brand, over time, has to freshly attach to the conception of transition in continuously and resiliently responding to shifts in the market. The...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Retail | Nov 6, 2009
The red seeing eye of the Droid: exploring brand differentiation for telephone hardware First off, since this blog is about brand messaging and imagery strategy, it would be good to explore that as a opener, so there’s some ground to the accusations. The basic...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts | Nov 4, 2009
Internet Advertising Winning Formulae Working as a strategist and designer in theatrical advertising and branding, there’s an approach that’s linked to sequence and revelation of motion picture content that’s showing some proven measure in...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Marketing 2.0, Retail | Oct 31, 2009
Better than a store, you can eat there: Microsoft Café Exploring a new conception from Microsoft, a café in Paris — to be short-lived, yet an interesting telling on the principles of relationship development. But, Windows 7? Imagery sources Like good...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, General, Scent | Oct 30, 2009
Tom Ford in Tokyo. Photo By Akiko Sameshima Exploring the human brand, story, product development, scent and visioning. Obviously, I’ve got a thing with Tom Ford. There are layers there. One, meeting him, talking to him, interviewing him — and learning...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Trends | Oct 26, 2009
What if your brand is about a cause? What if your brand is humanity? What if your real messaging reach is love? This is an overview of Girvin’s strategic thinking about the nature of humanitarian and cause-related branding strategy and tactics. There have been a...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Retail | Oct 23, 2009
Image from TechFlash Taking pictures of Microsoft’s opening retail with iPhones. Sometime back, a friend of mine offered to introduce me to the new leader of Microsoft retail. I won’t mention either name, since it’s pointless now — I never...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Retail | Oct 20, 2009
Exploring brand, story, reconnection in community 10 | 1909 > 10 | 2009 There are a variety of moves, to the motion | notion of celebration in the anniversary of actions in legacy. An anniversary can be a month, a half year, a year, or two, five, ten, twenty five,...