by Tim Girvin | Brands, General, Places, Retail, Trends | Sep 26, 2012
Sometimes the best restaurant concepts are the simplest, the most honest, the most direct. They go back to the heart of giving, exchanging and trading enterprise. Asking the core questions — Why [do we love this idea — devoting ourselves to it]? Where...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Interior Design, Places | Sep 17, 2012
Patterning brand & brand patterning – – developing typologies, morphologies of brand experiences | Graffiti Café, Varna, Bulgaria The nature of experiences, pattern language, visualizing layers of patterned context in place, message and ideology....
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, Designers, Retail, Storytelling | Sep 13, 2012
I was thinking about the bridge between shelf presence, art and content. Earlier in my life, I made a connection with a collective of people that related — gathered round — the work, the inspirations, of a man named Ben Shahn. Mr. Shahn was very famous,...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Concepts, Cool People, Retail | Sep 7, 2012
These days, the idea of an anniversary is the search for legacy — and there are many that are searching for legacies, threads, reaching back to the soul of earlier years, when another degree of artfulness, more robust storytelling, a new flavoring of history...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Retail | Sep 6, 2012
Amazon retail, a theory [Girvin]– bricks and mortar? Brand, retail, retelling, retooling, rethinking. Retail and community, brand storytelling as a reflective sharing — the story of place, of culture, of wonder, embracement and connectivity. There is a...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Trends | Sep 4, 2012
Old Coolness | Logo history Image credit: StockLogos In the past, countless logos show the character of the original brand personality. Does modernization take away the soul of their launching propositions? In some instances, we think — “yes!” How...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Human brands, Storytelling | Aug 31, 2012
Sometimes, simple is best. Messaging, stories told in the language of your community, and tuning the nature of clarity. There is a bridge between the patterning of one’s personal character, “your brand attributes” — how you, as a person,...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts, Retail, Storytelling | Aug 29, 2012
SHELF EPIPHANY, RETAIL DESIGN, BRAND STORYTELLING AND SHINING ––––––––––––– I was talking to a client about the concept of the shine. Walking the street, I spied this installation — a shine brush in a window. And it urged a meditation on the allegory of shining....
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Cool People, Designers, Places, Retail | Aug 23, 2012
Marvin Traub and Bloomingdale’s Girvin’s 1985 2-sided shopping bag for Bloomingdale’s The height of retail branding | Girvin, John Jay, the 1980’s. Campaign Theme Design as a Form of Integrated Retail Experience THE DEATH OF MARVIN TRAUB | 22...
by Tim Girvin | Brands, Concepts | Aug 20, 2012
Rethinking rethinking — and the cycle of innovation — finding wowness. What is life but a string of refreshments — a discovering: a way of seeing, momentarily — a challenge, a cast-out idea, a gesture to newness, wowness as the surprised state...