The Layering of Personality

Writing out the Telling of Brand Character When you meet someone — impressions emerge, tellings happen, characterizations frame themselves. I’ve always believed in the idea of listening, and writing it out. When I ask a question I’m looking for an...

A Perfume of Everything

Building a Scent That’s Made of Every Scent. When I was young, even back then, I was into fragrance; I explored the idea of taking various fragrances and mixing them together — to get what I wanted. What came of that experience, generally speaking, was a...

The Sound of the Brush

The Stroke of the Idea, in Sound, Found. When I was in Seoul, looking at, and working on Korean retail design, I stopped and watched a street calligrapher, who was writing phrases on newspaper. In the midst of the noise and flurry of the streetscape, I stood and...

The Layering of the Message

The Light of Brand, the Voice and the Tiering of Message Messaging and stair-stepping access in community Given the entirely human nature of brand, the enterprise of humanity, the idea of thinking about brand as a poetic expression, isn’t entirely without...

Digging In, the Soul of Story, Brand:

Visualizing the layering of identity: Iron Man I was moving through, collecting and organizing some earlier Girvin studies for Paramount Studios, and hanging out in the theatre, looking at titling treatments, graphic identities for films and one sheet theatrical...

You Are Beautiful

The Search for Beauty — the Beauty of You, The Brand of You, and Others. In the quest for the truth of brands, the soul and heart of their storytelling — invariably, appropriately, there are humans involved. People make brands — mostly for other...