
Crafted by Hand

Designing a World: Bears, Children, Wonderment and Michele Clise Ophelia’s World [Ophelia, showing above] Now and then, you get a chance to work on a project, or a succession of them, that might be reaching out to the edge of “what’s that,...

The Fragrance Design of Man’s World

The Scent of Maleness — the Fragrance Design of Man’s World The ArcherMen Lexicon of Fragrance. Spray it on. The New Meaning of “Air Superiority.” There is something to the world of fragrance design that presumes subtlety, delicacy, restraint...

The Layering of Personality

Writing out the Telling of Brand Character When you meet someone — impressions emerge, tellings happen, characterizations frame themselves. I’ve always believed in the idea of listening, and writing it out. When I ask a question I’m looking for an...

A Perfume of Everything

Building a Scent That’s Made of Every Scent. When I was young, even back then, I was into fragrance; I explored the idea of taking various fragrances and mixing them together — to get what I wanted. What came of that experience, generally speaking, was a...

The Sound of the Brush

The Stroke of the Idea, in Sound, Found. When I was in Seoul, looking at, and working on Korean retail design, I stopped and watched a street calligrapher, who was writing phrases on newspaper. In the midst of the noise and flurry of the streetscape, I stood and...