by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Brands, Concepts | Feb 13, 2025
Workshopping allegories and brand soul I was thinking about the question of inquiry and exploration, the search—reaching in(to people)—listening to them, learning from them, and gathering their impressions and ideas. Search for it, listen to them, what does that look...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Brands, Concepts, Storytelling | Dec 19, 2024
How Bright the Future? Could a Creative Brief be…Brief? Not really. Brevity isn’t the point, it’s the concision of the document. This is a talk that I was asked to offer at P&G, then later again at Mark Anthony Brands—the beverage group in Vancouver, BC., then...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Brands, Storytelling | Dec 13, 2024
The quest for where you were, and where you are now—and, as we’ve asked, “what do you know?” You might just never know. I’m walking out there, walking around remote pathways wild rivers, swaying bridges, down in ancient buildings and pathways. And while I’m down...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Concepts, Storytelling | Nov 26, 2024
It happens to the best of us—there’s a confident gait, the gallant stride, a bold sprint and then: there’s a stumble. It rumbles in the background—all the time—the risk of misstep. Personally, I contemplate my own faltering—and there have been many. Moves that I...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM | Nov 22, 2024
Anyone can think symbolically—and likely, we all do. You see something and think, “that reminds me of a…” Living in a creative space, the memory palace of explorations, memories and meaning—the imagination swerves to new pathways, neural leaps to stringing ideas...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Concepts | Nov 6, 2024
The leap of adventure in the movement of brands, spirit, soul and destinations— the risk to get out there, go further, get farther. In a recent set of GIRVIN brand soul summits, brandquest® workshops [how we work to get somewhere new as a team-based collaborative...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Concepts | Oct 30, 2024
The Nine Gates of Brand Intelligence In the long watch of the brand shepherd, steward and sentinel— it’s important to consider a 360º surveillance of territories. In a kind of mirrored language, it shall be called outlook and look out. If you visualize your brand as a...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Concepts | Sep 12, 2024
I was working in a team-collaborative session, a BrandQuest, Soul Summit—an innovation forum, and we were discussing the implications of attraction. As brand strategists and designers, you know about the implications of product attraction. As we put it, first there...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Storytelling | Aug 29, 2024
Thinking metaphorically, there are plenty of symbolic allegories between the notion of brand building, design strategies, messaging and storytelling. You—brand designer, brand thinker, theorist, strategist—when you think of brand, the notion of a constructed and...
by Tim Girvin | BRAND MYSTICISM, Places | Aug 15, 2024
Feeling in the realm of design thinking, sensation and brand. I took some old Italian handmade paper, folded it, tore it with a bone folder, punched a hole in the head of the strip, and strung red binding thread into the opening and hung it in the trees, amidst the...