L E A D E R S H I P M A G N E T I S M In the modeling of a group of people, there is invariably a “power pole.” Working with people, I look for that energized place of energy. Who’s there? In the clustering of people, there is the layering of the...

ABRACADABRA | Alphabet Amulets

I got a note from some friends at the Oxford English Dictionary. It was about this word, “abracadabra” — and perhaps you’ve got the same one, since you might have friends there too. Earlier in my life, studying the history of the word, the real...

Brandfire: You

Seeking the fiery passion of inspiration: Tom Peters, August 31, 1997 I met Tom Peters, just moments after his (as usual) carefully integrated marketing of “the brand called you” positioning. As ever, he knows how to get the work / word / world out there...