by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Places, Storytelling | Aug 8, 2013
James Turrell, Designer in Light The Guggenheim | NYC We have a lot of history with the legacy of Turrell — and real history, in terms of what we’ve done for Seattle in introducing Seattle to his work. Only about 28 years ago. Deanna and I were taking a...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Cool People, Retail | Jul 25, 2013
PRODUCT DESIGN, CAPTIVATION AND THE APPLE SIGNATURE I was talking to a young engineer about the principled ideation of Apple industrial design; that certain details are not only innovative not only in terms of product design creation — they didn’t exist...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Storytelling | Jul 18, 2013
Billboarding, postering the story in the story in the story. [Imagery from PSFK] We’ve designed dozens of posters, an earlier legacy of work. But we love this Black Sabbath promotion, pointed out by Daniela Walker and “DaBitch.” As Daniela notes,...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Cool People, Designers | Apr 17, 2013
The End that is the Beginning | Brands & Death It might be said that the idea of associating the creative essence of the late Alexander McQueen with a skull is a mistake — a slide off the backside of a brilliant man, who passed in the swirl of an...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Places, Retail | Mar 6, 2013
My Experience With Yakuza: the story of Miss Ko, Paris & Brand story in Restaurant Design [GBH] [Imagery, below, from Ko] Brand, patterning, statement, interiors — the graphical interplay of message, story and imagery. One trip to Japan, I was in Kyoto, and...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Cool People, Human brands, Storytelling | Feb 8, 2013
There’s a story in the story, there’s a poem in the poem, there is a place within the place. [image: girvin | Seattle, 2012] In the realm of any study, the student realizes that there are layers to comprehension — one understands the bare facts,...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Cool People, Places | Jan 28, 2013
There is a place, in a place, in a story in a story, a person in a person. And you could photograph that, the layering of these contents. Watch this, for more: I was thinking about the deeper, nascent power...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Places, Scent | Jan 24, 2013
When you see something, does a scent come to mind? Sensing synaesthesia — the sensation of perfumed visualization. For a long time, we’ve been fascinated by the idea of hearing color, tasting sound, touching scent — the notion, rather the condition,...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Cool People, Interior Design, Places | Nov 28, 2012
The sense of place, design, imagination and spectacle. The seeing eye, touching place, designed inspiration of Robert Irwin Earlier in my life, I was on the COCA team that ideated bringing James Turrell to Seattle — decades before, “seeing the light...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Designers | Nov 2, 2012
The etymology of design, the signature of personality — and your presence. The design of you is what you make of it. The design is you. Your story, your musculature, the tracery of your nerves and veins, how you draw, hold a drawing tool –what you see,...