by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Cool People, Places, Storytelling | Sep 16, 2015
What is home? The Pathway To Where You Were and Where You Might Need To Be I was talking to some athletes — baseball players, about their concept of home. Home Runs, Home plate. What is that, getting home? The metaphor of home, home runs, getting home, hitting a homer...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Concepts, Cool People, Designers | Aug 11, 2015
Qualia: Yves Klein International Blue, Beauty and States of Being. Examining Sensation[alism,] Perception, Beauty and the Story of The Brand — human, color and otherwise Le Saut dans le Vide (Leap into the Void); Photomontage by Harry Shunk of a performance by Yves...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Cool People, Motion Pictures, Storytelling | Jan 20, 2015
The Waft and Weft of Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar.” There is a story, then a story within the story, a story behind the story, and the story that you hold in your mind, wrists, fingertips. They weave. Or lips, in the love story that never ends, it keeps going on,...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts | Dec 18, 2014
Isn’t art work? There’s an interesting proposition that art, aligned with leisure, is something relaxing and “easy.” I might offer that the making of art, the impassioned creativity, is never something easy. But instead, with the exception of those in the throes of...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Designers, Storytelling | Dec 4, 2014
Design Mysticism When you go deep. As a designer, you might meditate on your work, what you’re doing. And your being in that doing. There might be a brand strategy, and the unfolding character of tactics and deployment. But making marks is a legacy that is thousands...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Cool People, Designers | Jan 30, 2014
The Stroke of The Hand, Like Touch, Says It Real. Best From The heart. Touch me. Touch you. Hello & Good bye from me. When it’s time to say goodbye, it is, truly — “parting is such sweet sorrow.” And, the expression of sorrow isn’t...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Cool People | Nov 18, 2013
Death comes even to the best of us. Very sorry to see this loss. Three days back, London. I recall the first time that I’d booked some clients at the [Hotel #1] ACE, Seattle. And I fretted about what they’d think [they were older clients, linked to an...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Concepts, Motion Pictures | Oct 31, 2013
Design studies for “The Thing.” This isn’t my work [it was pointed out by friend Stuart Balcomb and the poster above was designed by Jock] — but worthy of mention and exploration. It’s interesting, as a perpetual student of design [and...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Concepts, Scent | Aug 27, 2013
A Journey into the Craft and Mystery of Making Perfume. Some years back I’d read Mandy Aftel’s book, I was struck then by her link to the presumptions of aligning alchemy and the making of perfume. Theoretically, it works — but, in her application,...
by Tim Girvin | Artists, Brands, Cool People, Human brands | Aug 20, 2013
Digging in, the brand archaeology of art, the person, the persona. When you work on a brand, people are involved. Sometimes, companies forget — they think: logistics, operations, planning, transportation, targets, quotients and quotas. For us — and...