

WALKING THE LONG WAY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH: ANDY GOLDSWORTHY MEDITATIONS ON YOU AND YOUR EARTH. Each of us has a relationship to the Earth, what we know of her, how we’ve traveled her pathways, what doors we might have seen and how, perhaps, we have opened them....


AI Design Strategies: Can AI work as Creative in the Movie Business? With the plethora of new AI development stories, how far can these applications stretch? IBM’s Watson thinks it can step in. I was studying some content on Adweek, about a new modeling for search and...

The Handmade Journey | Calligraphy

Sometimes you go back to go forward There’s a noun that is oftentimes used in contemporary parlance: “creatives,” as a description for those that work in creative and maker space. It’s an interesting idea, using an adjective as a noun, but it works. I was sitting at a...

Home Plate

What is home? The Pathway To Where You Were and Where You Might Need To Be I was talking to some athletes — baseball players, about their concept of home. Home Runs, Home plate. What is that, getting home? The metaphor of home, home runs, getting home, hitting a homer...