

PLACEMAKING AND JOURNEYS ………………….. WORKING + BEING IN A CERTAIN PLACE — A JOURNEY OF FINDING. There’s one thing, to the idea of working in other places in the world — learning to be there: work there, explore there, BE OUT THERE; but invariably that means that you are...

Into the Mist

INTO THE MIST — MYSTERY AND UNKNOWING, CLARITY AND KNOWING THE UNCERTAINTY OF SEEING | A JOURNEY INTO THE FOG SOCIETY Time ticks as you walk in the dark, emerging or failing light — and you realize that your true, reliable measure of momentum  is the sound of your...

The Magical Alphabet

The journey of designers invariably involves the alphabet — and most of the rest of us — yet oftentimes we forget the majesty and depth of that system of ancient marks. And most don’t comprehend that the alphabet, while perhaps mostly seen as a series of antiquated...

Go Slow, Go Sure

Sometimes the best path Is the slow and watchful. Recently, I’ve been asked to design some signs — which, on a remote road, ask kindly: “Please Go Slower.” Sometimes in the planning of strategy, for your life, brands and other enterprises — striking out the...

The Sign That Has No Name

Rangelands, New Mexico — a long and blank expanse. Then there’s a sign. But it’s presuming something: you know where you’re going. I was transversing high desert rangelands, crossing the state, in a journey to a Monastery out in the desert. On the way there, I saw a...

What is the way, found?

What is the way, found? I was thinking about this. In the context of the work that you do. And what we do. I’ve wondered about that, the character of being lost, being found. Finding your way. And there’s a part of the work that we do that is just about that — helping...


BRANDFIRE | Conceptions of Passionate Brand Leadership Exploring the detailed visioning of leadership in brand management. This article appeared in the June issue of Arcade | Architecture and Design in the Northwest. Fire. BRANDFIRE | A culture of passion What lies...


Focusing: the Flow of Ideas, Strokes and Inspiration: Teaching Calligraphy and Designed Exploration A study of letterforms, the calligraphic drawing of educational references, paleography and alphabetic history, photographic brand boards, broadsides on rhythm and...