
A Meditation in Abandoned Signage

There is a
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

It is in the everyday—that you walk by—or on.

There’s a message in that which is here.
And that, left behind.

The message could be:
look here.

No, up there.
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

Or behind you.
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

And while you look.
Watch out, better still, be aware.
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

Sit back,
take a
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

Just walk, out there,
to where you could be,
a next stride.

A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

As in anything,
moving through our
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

surely it would be best for us to be driven by
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

And, in love, we could
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
and drop the pace to an attentive measure.

As in anything, attentive to where we are, we look-out, the circle around us—and keep an eye out.
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

just keep moving in the direction of the light.

This is the most
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
in our explorations.

Like a song,
this pathway could a lifelong;
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
it’s a musical score, of varying
tempos, crescendo and pianissimo;
which—in persistence, in this procession—we can:
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

something that is beautiful, and
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
for our approach to living large.

Since everyone knows, we make our own
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

This is something that, of course, as journeyers, we
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
F O R E V E R.

There is inspiration, and, too, we might have a
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

It’s unclear,
in the momentum of exploration,
the idea that there is a
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
Sometimes to learn, we have to try—and this trial might be a failure.
Or a triumph.

And, in our explorations, we go forward;
since, in any procession, we have the
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
of our own curiosity and visioning;

so that
we might
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

and move ahead with the optimism of
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

a moment, to then
ignite the promise—
to ourselves—to
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
into the quest for
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
And you might say, “Yes,
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

on the
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning


Sure, it’s a poem—it’s a string of words, but
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

After all, what’s said, this which has been done, where we’ve walked,
there’s more, since
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning

And therein, lies the
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
of the pathway.

I can help with that journey since
A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning
GIRVIN | Strategic Brands
Digital | Built environments by Osean | Theatrical Branding
Waves | Art | Talismanika® | Oom Carpet Arts | Technology Branding | Destination Brands

Yes, we work on projects in strategy | story | naming | messaging | print
identity | built environments | packaging
social media | websites | interactive

A Cascade of Mysterious Messaging | Finding a Meaning