The writing of the eternal return: the perpetual script of spinning time
The writing, that goes back
When you contemplate the road forward, there’s a chance to look back,
the path that brought you to where you are.

[image above,

It’s difficult work, when you’re writing — spinning out the drawn script of moments and instants — about the web of the meaningful and emotional cartography in your history: in any self-made study of the ring of time; it is a collecting, a “re-collecting” — uncovering and discovering.

It is — a tracing — a scribbling and mapping of lines in the sand, that go back and back: a chalk-line,
into the mists of the alleyways —
the glimmering and mirage-rippling dunes and spellbinding labyrinths of —
mind, memory and experience.

And it can hurt.

Once I met an old man, wracked in the pain of many decades of living, and he said,
“Tim, look back, but don’t stare.”

In a way, when you recount a storytelling, the red threading of your living, the tethering and un-knotting, the untying of your past, it can be a meditative journey unto itself. You think, distill, gather in, refine and sort — it becomes an allegory unto those steps collected:
sand, stones, pathways,
chalk lines, scripts, maps,
lists and charts.

But like any journey, it can be hard.

Imagine that recounting in the realm of love, and loved ones — a passage — and in the finality of missing someone = forever.

Still, the memories hold that fastness, the holding of what was held and the imprinting of what can be gone.

“I was holding, and now I release — yet still, there is the impression in my ‘hand.'”

I’d never done anything quite like this, except when it first happened — for Matt Girvin. And all the rest of the Girvin clan.

Now, more than a decade later,
we’re hunting for stories,
reaching to community.

Come, share, explore —
who was Matt to you;
what memories and
stories hold you fast?

Reach here.

Or share,

What lasts, but stories?
Sand, chalk, the fluency of time, dunes and icy fields — they flow and drift to new shapes and journeys.
Maps only show what has been, not the newly emerging geography — which could change every thing.

a story lasts forever.

If there’s a story,
how would you tell it?

TIM | GIRVIN | Queen Anne Elementary School Studios
| The strategies of rippling genius